"Ghostly beacons of new physics"
Scientific American cover feature, April 2013, by Martin Hirsch, Heinrich
Päs and Werner Porod (US, Taiwan, Poland, Brazil, Spain, Russia, France and Japan editions)
and in the Collector's Editions "Extreme Physics" and
"Ou va la physique?"
"Mit Überlichtgeschwindigkeit durch die Erde"
Rüdiger Vaas, Perry Rhodan Nr. 2634
"Zeitreisen durch fremde Dimensionen -
überlichtschnelle Neutrinos wären eine Jahrhundert-Entdeckung"
Artikel und Interview mit Rüdiger Vaas, Perry Rhodan Nr. 2626
"The Spider God"
a sci-fi story in "Asimov's Science Fiction"
April/May 2013 issue mentions me and our idea of extra-dimensional
neutrino shortcuts
"Final Theory" a novel by Scientific American Editor
Mark Alpert,
praised by the New York Times
as "physics-based version of the Da Vinci Code",
is based on our idea of neutrinos taking shortcuts in extra dimensions