Neutrinos SS'06 G. Hiller and W. Rhode FB Physik, Uni Dortmund, Do, 14:15-16:00, P1-02-323 |
alle | Vorbesprechung |
Valentin Curtef
"Introduction to neutrinos, history and early experiments"
27.4.2006 |
Jan Lünemann
"Detection of astrophysical neutrinos"
4.5.2006 |
Matthias Bartelt
"Neutrinos from astrophysical sources"
11.5.2006 |
Jens Dreyer
"Neutrinos from the earth/lab: detection"
18.5.2006 |
Christoph Bobeth
"nu-N scattering, the NuTeV anomaly and pdfs"
1.6.2006 |
Giorgi Piranishvili
8.6.2006 |
Marijke Haffke
"Neutrinos for peace control"
22.6.2006 |
Dominik Leier
"Neutrino relic density, dark matter"
29.6.2006 |
Subhendu Rakshit
"Neutrino masses from R-parity violating SUSY"
6.7.2006 |
Alex Kartavtsev
13.7.2006 | |