Neutrinos SS'06
G. Hiller and W. Rhode
FB Physik, Uni Dortmund, Do, 14:15-16:00, P1-02-323


alle Vorbesprechung 13.4.2006
Valentin Curtef "Introduction to neutrinos, history and early experiments" 27.4.2006
Jan Lünemann "Detection of astrophysical neutrinos" 4.5.2006
Matthias Bartelt "Neutrinos from astrophysical sources" 11.5.2006
Jens Dreyer "Neutrinos from the earth/lab: detection" 18.5.2006
Christoph Bobeth "nu-N scattering, the NuTeV anomaly and pdfs" 1.6.2006
Giorgi Piranishvili "See-saw" 8.6.2006
Marijke Haffke "Neutrinos for peace control" 22.6.2006
Dominik Leier "Neutrino relic density, dark matter" 29.6.2006
Subhendu Rakshit "Neutrino masses from R-parity violating SUSY" 6.7.2006
Alex Kartavtsev "Leptogenesis" 13.7.2006