Physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM Seminar)
Ein Seminar fuer Studenten der Physik hoeherer Semester (ab ETT) und Mitarbeiter.
Department for Physics, TU Dortmund, Donnerstags, 14:15 -16:00 in person room P1-O1-306

Organizer: Prof.Dr. G.Hiller
Topics: Flavor, SMEFT, Planck Safety and Asymptotic Safety, charm
Talks in english are most welcome


The BSM Seminar commences Fall 2022/23, rain or shine
IN PERSON (if the mighty covid permits): Room P1-O1-306.

groups Kick-off: topics false vacuum decay, BSM, ... 13.10.22
Sara Krieg MSC-Project "gravitationally induced phase in neutrino oscillations and baryogenesis" 13.10.22
groups implications workshop 20.10.22
Tim Hoehne Portals into Higgs Stability 2207.07737 [hep-ph] 10.11.22
Prof. Heinrich Paes UV/IR mixing NOTE: show starts 14:45 oclock 24.11.22
Lara Nollen Synergies of Drell-Yan, top and beauty in global SMEFT fits 8.12.22
Prof. David London A U-spin puzzle in B-decays, arXiv:2211.06994. THIS IS A ZOOM-ONLY EVENT; NOTE unusual starting time; check your inbox for the link 15:15 oclock, 22.12.22
Felix Wersig Uncovering the High Scale Higgs Singlet Model arXiv:2102.02823 [hep-ph] 12.1.23
Dominik Hellmann neutrino oscillations from QFT, on arXiv:1001.4815 [hep-ph] 26.1.23
Eleftheria Solomonidi Final-state interactions in the CP asymmetry of D meson two-body decays (Theory Seminar) WED 16:15 oclock 1.2.23