Physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM Seminar)
Ein Seminar fuer Studenten der Physik hoeherer Semester (ab ETT) und Mitarbeiter.
Department for Physics, TU Dortmund, Donnerstags, 10:15 -12:00 in person room P1-O1-306

Organizer: Prof.Dr. G.Hiller
Topics: Flavor, SMEFT, Planck Safety and Asymptotic Safety, charm
Talks in english are most welcome


The BSM Seminar commences Spring 2022, rain or shine
IN PERSON (if the mighty covid permits): Room P1-O1-306.

groups Kick-off: topics, welcome to the new IMAPP-students ... 7.4..22
Dominik Hellmann How quantum-gravity induces decoherence and what can this do to neutrinos (on 28.4.22
Prof. Tilman Plehn Colloquium talk TUE, 16:30 oclock 3.5.22
Tim Brune Leptogenesis, majorons, and domain walls (or none) (on 5.5.22
Ludovica De Gianni EDM I (on 12.5.22
Sara Sacchi EDM II (on 19.5.22
Gaston Creci Keinbaum (Utrecht U) Effective field theory and dynamical size effects 2.6.22
Marco Colonna "How charm charm quarks hadronize to mesons and baryons" 9.6.22
Prof. Michael Spannowsky Colloquium talk TUE, 16:30 oclock 21.6.22
Luca Balzani Charm baryon fragmentation - status 23.6.22
Dr Maria Laura Piscopo (Siegen U) "Colour meets Flavour: QCD contributions to the decay of heavy hadrons"-- Talk in Theory seminar on Wed, 16:15 oclock 29.6.22
Elena Cuppini 10:15 oclock: The SM Higgs and potential 30.6.22
Masten Bourahma 11:00 oclock: The SM Higgs potential: theory constraints (unitarity) 30.6.22
Kai Henryk Sieja Msc project "Constraining BSM Interactions in Rare Kaon Decays"; note at 16:15 oclock in the AV-Raum 5.7.22
Jordi Folch "Flavour phenomenology of the Dark Photon" PhD project; note at 16:15 oclock in room 306 6.7.22
Simone Ruscelli Probing the SM Higgs self-couplings ( 7.7.22