Physik jenseits des Standardmodells (BSM Seminar)
Ein Seminar fuer Studenten der Physik hoeherer Semester (ab ETT) und Mitarbeiter.
Fakultaet Physik, TU Dortmund, Donnerstags, 14:15 -16:00 P1-01-306, but probably zoom

Veranstalter: Prof.Dr. G.Hiller
Topics: Flavor, Higgs, Dark Matter, Quantum Gravity and Asymptotic Safety
Talks in english are most welcome


The BSM Seminar commences in fall 2020, rain or shine
web-conferencing details: we will use zoom. Students interested to participate and without a T III or T IV affiliation please email me. The meeting-ID will be shared a few minutes before the start of the seminar. Lets do this.

BEGIN: LHCb's plus Theory implications workshops 29.10.20
Nico Gubernari "on the B->DK,D pi puzzle" 5.11.20
groups Kick-off: topics flavored dark matter, charm, U(1)'s, SM-EFT , the feeble-world, flavor anomalies, gauge-yukawa theories,KOTO ... 5.11..20
Stefan Bissmann top and b synergies with SMEFT: today and tomorrow 3.12.20
Tim Hoehne ongoing works from asymptotically safe BSM 10.12.20
everybody part of the AS meets PP workshop 17.12.20
Fiona Kirk on "Global Electroweak Fit and Vector-Like Leptons in Light of the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly", 2008.01113 [hep-ph] 7.1.21
Sara Krieg The Grossman-Nir bound (s-> d nu bar nu modes confronting KOTO, NA62 data) part 1 14.1.21
Jan Leo Loewe Evading the Grossman-Nir bound KOTO/NA62 part 2 21.1.21
Daniel Wendler SMEFT systematics 28.1.21
Lohan Sartore Pyrate 3, RGEs at two-loop for everyone (arXiv:2007.12700) 4.2.21
Dennis Loose Flavorful leptoquarks at the LHC and beyond 18.2.21
Hector Gisbert Grossman-Nir bound 2.0 4.3.21
Lara Nollen Fitting Drell-Yan 11.3.21