Physik jenseits des Standardmodells (BSM Seminar)
Ein Seminar fuer Studenten der Physik hoeherer Semester (ab ETT) und Mitarbeiter.
Fakultaet Physik, TU Dortmund, Donnerstags, 14:15-16:00 P1-01-306

Veranstalter: Prof.Dr.G.Hiller
Topics: Flavor, Higgs, Dark Matter, Quantum Gravity and Asymptotic Safety
Talks in english are most welcome


BEGINN 11.10 .2018 distribution of some talks
groups Kick-off: topics flavored dark matter, U(1)'s, SM-EFT , flavor anomalies, gauge-yukawa theories, ... 11.10.18
Dr Fagner Correia Cintra Light-Z' Physics in U(1)_X SM Extensions 11.10.18
NN Implications workshop at CERN 18.10.18
speaker Holiday 1.11.18
Rigo Bause SM times U(1)_F and UV 8.11.18
speaker title 15.11.18
Dr Andrey Tayduganov Photon polarisation in K pi pi gamma (tentative) 22.11.18
Dr Marzia Bordone Shedding light on B anomalies: from Standard Model predictions to a model building approach 29.11.18
Tom Steudtner Machacek Vaughn at work 6.12.18
Kevin Moch this talk is part of the 5th workshop Asymptotic Safety meets Particle Physics 10:30 c'clock 18.12.18
Dr Stefan Schacht CP Violation in Charmed Meson and Baryon Decays 10.1.19
Mathias Becker Talk moved to Jan 24, 2019 17.1.19
Mathias Becker Neutrino Portal Dark Matter via Freeze-In 24.1.19
Dimitrios Skodras " Electric dipole moment constraints on CP-violating light-quark Yukawas" 31.1.19