Physik jenseits des Standardmodells (BSM Seminar)
Ein Seminar fuer Studenten der Physik hoeherer Semester (ab ETT) und Mitarbeiter.
Fakultaet Physik, TU Dortmund, Donnerstags, 14:15-16:00 P1-01-306

Veranstalter: Prof.Dr.G.Hiller
Topics: Flavor, Higgs, Dark Matter, Quantum Gravity and Asymptotic Safety
Talks in english are most welcome


BEGINN 19.10 .2017 distribution of some talks
groups Kick-off: topics flavored dark matter, U(1)'s, SM-EFT , flavor anomalies, gauge-yukawa theories, ... 19.10.17
Wei-Chih Huang Lepton number violation, high-scale baryogenesis and dark matter 19.10.17
NN Implications workshop at CERN 9.11.17
Stefan Bissmann Searching for BSM physics with top quarks using EFTs 16.11.17
Peter Schuh Selected Topics in asymptotic Safety, Higgs and dark matter 23.11.17
Marcel Golz Anomaly -primer (basics and SM) reference: 0802.0634 7.12.17
Nico Adolph Hunting the flavon 1603.06950 14.12.17
Cornelius Grunwald NOTE: time: Wed, Dec 20, 10:30 o'clock "Constraining dim-six operators through combination of top quark measurements using EFTfitter" Wed, 20.12.17
Rigo Bause Anomaly-Free Models for Flavour Anomalies 1705.03447 11.1.18
Tim Brune "Constraints on a Massive Majoron Coupling to Neutrinos from Supernova Cooling" 18.1.18
NN title 25.1.18