Physik jenseits des Standardmodells (BSM Seminar)
Ein Seminar fuer Studenten der Physik hoeherer Semester (ab ETT) und Mitarbeiter.
Fakultaet Physik, TU Dortmund, Dienstags, 12:45-14:00 P1-01-306

Veranstalter: Prof.Dr.G.Hiller
Topics: Flavor, Higgs, Dark Matter, Quantum Gravity and Asymptotic Safety
Talks in english are most welcome


BEGIN 25.4 .2017 distribution of some talks
groups Kick-off: topics flavored dark matter, SM-EFT , flavor anomalies, gauge-yukawa theories, ... 25.4.17
Dr. Enrico Sessolo Why SUSY and whats next? (tentative) 9.5.17
Dr. Ivan Nisandzic Everything you always wanted to know about RK,RK* but were afraid to ask 23.5.17
Note, same day in HS2 starting 16:30 o clock (tea\coffee at 16 oclcock) Franz Mueheim (Edinburgh U) will speak in our colloquium. 23.5..17
Jan Appelt Leptoquarks and GUT-models 20.6.17
Sebastian Bange Leptoquarks and Proton decay 27.6.17
Gerwin Meier Leptoquarks directly at the LHC (z.B. arxiv:1610.03795) PDF 4.7.17
Torben Peters RD,RD* anomalies 11.7.17
Philip Boenke Indirect signals of leptoquarks 18.7.17
Fatih Ertas Dark matter direct detection 25.7.17